My last post was about taking care to eat in moderation, so I won't go there again but to say that it's probably harder for me to do that with the foods that I truly only see and eat once a year. And these foods appear on New Year's Eve. It's food that is not low carb, low fat, low sodium, none of that. It's more like appetizers and desserts for our family gathering. This stuff is so good on the taste buds, but so bad for the waistline. And I love it. I am adding some fresh veggies to the mix this year though. Of course, we have some dip for them to make them fit in with the rest of the food we are eating.
Another reason I enjoy New Year's is that we (mostly the family we were fortunate enough to spend Christmas with) have fun. We let ourselves relax, play games, and that brings joy and laughter. (And we eat of course.) How often do you just relax and have fun like that? I know I don't. I get into the routine of life. The house has to be cleaned, food prepared for whatever meal is coming up next, laundry, dishes, taking care of those you love. Every once in a while, my husband and I will play a card game we enjoy. But most of the time, having fun doesn't make it on my list of things needing to be done. It's like I'm just trying to get through one day and on to the next.
And a final reason I enjoy the end of one year and the beginning of another: the reflection of where I've been and the hope of where I could be in another year. This year, I started this blog. I had never thought about writing about sharing my Crohn's Disease story before this. I didn't think I had a story. To me, my life is rather ordinary and routine most of the time: get up, go to work, come home and take care of my family, go to bed and do it all over again the next day. Who wants to read about that? Then, I realized my life now may seem monotonous, but I may look back at this time at some point and find a story to tell like I have with Crohn's Disease. At that time, I was just trying to get through one day at a time. I never imagined a story was forming and that it would be worth sharing. I wouldn't have been ready to share much at that point either. And what I did share was with those I was closest to and felt okay to share some of the most personal aspects of my struggles.