A few years and tears ago, Mother's Day was a day I wanted to skip over due to my own hurts and disappointments. I had spent many years prior to this dealing with the issue of Crohn's Disease and all that brought with it. Then, I dealt with the removal of my large intestine and having a permanent need for an ileostomy bag. But with that, it seemed I had my life back. Then, later on down the road, my husband and I would have to deal with infertility issues. It's one of those times when I couldn't understand why God would allow me to go through something else so hard to deal with.

Once we went through the second round of treatments, and I found out I was expecting, those wounds I had healed quickly. Although there is still a scar, a reminder that things aren't as simple for some as they are for others. It gives me the ability to be more empathetic as I would have had no way of understanding these feelings otherwise. I am blessed to be driven to insanity one minute with my son's whining and toddler tantrums. And I'm amazed when he sings his ABC's and recognizes letters and numbers that are written down before him. My heart melts when he wants to give me "loves", when he lays his head on my shoulder, and when he points to me and says, "That's Mama". I feel like a failure if he falls and gets hurt when I'm right there in arm's reach. But victory is close behind when he will clasp his hands together at the kitchen table to say grace before a meal.

And then I think about when I was so sick with Crohn's. There were times I was in the hospital for days at a time. My mom was there with me. She has her own service-based business, and if she doesn't work, she doesn't get paid. And while she was staying with me in the hospital, this was the case. My parents would never complain if there was financial stress through all of this (and I'd imagine there was some of that). There was a sacrifice there. The one that says "I will move Heaven and Earth to make sure the one I love is cared for". And it's not just the income that was sacrificed. She gave up time with my brother and sister and father to be with me in a cold hospital, sleeping on whatever contraption they had, and I'm sure being woke up as much as I was through all of the poking and prodding they do throughout the whole day and night.
Mother's Day shouldn't be the only day to recognize the love, service and sacrifice and mom gives to her family. This should be something to thank God for daily. To my mom, to all the moms out there, to those who have stepped up to the plate of motherhood when maybe you didn't have to, we thank you and hope you know how much you are loved and appreciated not only today, but everyday.
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